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Atomistic Simulation Using Python Interfaces

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Structures and Molecules in Pymatgen Interface


Most of the fundamentals of pymatgen are expressed in terms of Molecule and Structure objects.

While we will mostly be using Structure, Stucture and Molecule are very similar conceptually. The main difference is that Structure supports full periodicity required to describe crystallographic structures.

Creating a Structure can be done in one line, even for complicated crystallographic structures. However, we'll start by introducing the somewhat simpler Molecule object, and then use this understanding of Molecule to introduce Structure.

Creating a Molecule

Start by importing Molecule:

from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule

In a Jupyter notebook, you can show help for any Python object by clicking on the object and pressing Shift+Tab. This will give you a list of arguments and keyword arguments necessary to construct the object, as well as the documentation ('docstring') which gives more information on what each argument means.


Molecule takes input arguments species and coords, and input keyword arguments charge, spin_multiplicity, validate_proximity and site_properties.

Keyword arguments come with a default value (the value after the equals sign), and so keyword arguments are optional.

Arguments (without default values) are mandatory.

c_monox = Molecule(["C","O"], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.2]])
Full Formula (C1 O1)
Reduced Formula: CO
Charge = 0.0, Spin Mult = 1
Sites (2)
0 C     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1 O     0.000000     0.000000     1.200000

Alright, now let's use a keyword variable to change a default. How about we make an anion?

oh_minus = Molecule(["O", "H"], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], charge=-1)
Full Formula (H1 O1)
Reduced Formula: H2O2
Charge = -1, Spin Mult = 1
Sites (2)
0 O     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1 H     0.000000     0.000000     1.000000

You can also create Molecule objects from files. Let's say you have an *.xyz file called "water.xyz". You can import that into pymatgen with Molecule.from_file, like:

water = Molecule.from_file("water.xyz")
Full Formula (H2 O1)
Reduced Formula: H2O
Charge = 0, Spin Mult = 1
Sites (3)
0 O    -0.070000    -0.026960    -0.095240
1 H     0.919330    -0.015310    -0.054070
2 H    -0.359290     0.231000     0.816010

Exercise: Making Molecules

Try it yourself! Create molecules however you like!

In this folder are several example molecules (methane.xyz, furan.xyz, and benzene.xyz). Try loading these files with Molecule.from_file. You can also try making a Molecule from a list of species and coordinates. Try changing the default parameters - see what you can and cannot do (for instance, look at varying the charge and the spin multiplicity).

What's in a Molecule? Introducing Sites, Elements and Species

You can access properties of the molecule, such as the Cartesian coordinates of its sites:

[[0.  0.  0. ]
 [0.  0.  1.2]]

or properties that are computed on-the-fly, such as its center of mass:

[0.         0.         0.68544132]

To see the full list of available properties and methods, press Tab after typing my_molecule. in your Jupyter notebook. There are methods used to modify the molecule and these take additional argument(s). For example, to add a charge to the molecule:

Full Formula (C1 O1)
Reduced Formula: CO
Charge = 1, Spin Mult = 2
Sites (2)
0 C     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1 O     0.000000     0.000000     1.200000

A molecule is essentially a list of Site objects. We can access these sites like we would a list in Python. For example, to obtain the total number of sites in the molecule:


Or to access the first site (note that Python is a 0-indexed programming language, so the first site is site 0):

[0. 0. 0.] C

And just like a list, I can even change the elements of a molecule.

c_monox[0] = "O"
c_monox[1] = "C"
Full Formula (C1 O1)
Reduced Formula: CO
Charge = 1, Spin Mult = 2
Sites (2)
0 O     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1 C     0.000000     0.000000     1.200000

A site object contains information on the site's identity and position in space.

site0 = c_monox[0]
array([0., 0., 0.])
Element O

Here, because we switched the elements, the site holds the element O. In general, a site can hold an Element, a Specie or a Composition. Let's look at each of these in turn.

from pymatgen.core.composition import Element, Composition
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Specie

An Element is simply an element from the Periodic Table.

carbon = Element('C')

Elements have properties such as atomic mass, average ionic radius and more:


A Specie can contain additional information, such as oxidation state:

o_ion = Specie('O', oxidation_state=-2)
Species O2-

Again, we can access both these Specie-specific properties and more general properties of Elements.


Or, for convenience, we can use strings, which will be interpreted as elements with oxidation states:

Species O2-

Finally, a Composition is an object that can hold certain amounts of different elements or species. This is most useful in a disordered Structure, and would rarely be used in a Molecule. For example, a site that holds 50% Au and 50% Cu would be set as follows:

comp = Composition({'Au': 0.5, 'Cu': 0.5})

A Composition contains more information than either an Element or a Specie. Because it can contain multiple Elements/Species, you can obtain the formula, or the chemical system.

print("formula", comp.alphabetical_formula)
print("chemical system", comp.chemical_system)
formula Au0.5 Cu0.5
chemical system Au-Cu

When we construct a Molecule, the input argument will automatically be converted into one of Element, Specie or Composition. Thus, in the previous example, when we first defined carbon monoxide, the input ['C', 'O'] was converted to [Element C, Element O].

Exercise: Hydrogen Cyanide

Construct the linear HCN molecule where each bond distance is the sum of the two atomic radii.

HINT: To do this, you'll probably want to use some Element properties!

H_rad = Element('H').atomic_radius
C_rad = Element('C').atomic_radius
N_rad = Element('N').atomic_radius
HC_bond_dist = H_rad + C_rad
CN_bond_dist = C_rad + N_rad
H_pos = 0
C_pos = H_pos + HC_bond_dist
N_pos = C_pos + CN_bond_dist
hcn = Molecule(['H','C','N'], [[H_pos, 0, 0], [C_pos, 0, 0],[N_pos, 0, 0]])
Full Formula (H1 C1 N1)
Reduced Formula: HCN
Charge = 0.0, Spin Mult = 1
Sites (3)
0 H     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
1 C     0.950000     0.000000     0.000000
2 N     2.300000     0.000000     0.000000

Creating a Structure and Lattice

Creating a Structure is very similar to creating a Molecule, except we now also have to specify a Lattice.

from pymatgen.core import Lattice, Structure

A Lattice can be created in one of several ways, such as by inputting a 3x3 matrix describing the individual lattice vectors. For example, a cubic lattice of length 5 Ångstrom:

my_lattice = Lattice([[5, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 5]])
5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 5.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 5.000000

Equivalently, we can create it from its lattice parameters:

my_lattice_2 = Lattice.from_parameters(5, 5, 5, 90, 90, 90)

Or, since we know in this case that we have a cubic lattice, a == b == c and alpha == beta == gamma == 90 degrees, so we can simply put:

my_lattice_3 = Lattice.cubic(5)

We can confirm that these lattices are the same:

my_lattice == my_lattice_2 == my_lattice_3

Now, we can create a simple crystal structure. Let's start with body-centered-cubic iron:

bcc_fe = Structure(Lattice.cubic(2.8), ["Fe", "Fe"], [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
Full Formula (Fe2)
Reduced Formula: Fe
abc   :   2.800000   2.800000   2.800000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Fe    0    0    0
  1  Fe    0.5  0.5  0.5

Full Formula (Fe2)
Reduced Formula: Fe
abc   :   2.800000   2.800000   2.800000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Fe    0    0    0
  1  Fe    0.5  0.5  0.5

Creating this Structure was similar to creating a Molecule in that we provided a list of elements and a list of positions. However, there are two key differences: we had to include our Lattice object when creating the Structure and since we have a lattice, we can define the positions of our sites in fractional coordinates with respect to that lattice instead of Cartesian coordinates.

It's also possible to create an equivalent Structure using Cartesian coordinates:

bcc_fe_from_cart = Structure(Lattice.cubic(2.8), ["Fe", "Fe"], [[0, 0, 0], [1.4, 1.4, 1.4]],
Full Formula (Fe2)
Reduced Formula: Fe
abc   :   2.800000   2.800000   2.800000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Fe    0    0    0
  1  Fe    0.5  0.5  0.5

We can check that both structures are equivalent:

bcc_fe == bcc_fe_from_cart

As in a Molecule, we can access properties of the structure, such as its volume:


Creating Structures from Spacegroups

Structures can also be created directly from their spacegroup:

bcc_fe = Structure.from_spacegroup("Im-3m", Lattice.cubic(2.8), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]])
Full Formula (Fe2)
Reduced Formula: Fe
abc   :   2.800000   2.800000   2.800000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Fe    0    0    0
  1  Fe    0.5  0.5  0.5

nacl = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(5.692), ["Na+", "Cl-"],
                                 [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
Full Formula (Na4 Cl4)
Reduced Formula: NaCl
abc   :   5.692000   5.692000   5.692000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (8)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Na+   0    0    0
  1  Na+   0    0.5  0.5
  2  Na+   0.5  0    0.5
  3  Na+   0.5  0.5  0
  4  Cl-   0.5  0.5  0.5
  5  Cl-   0.5  0    0
  6  Cl-   0    0.5  0
  7  Cl-   0    0    0.5

And spacegroups can be obtained from a structure:

('Fm-3m', 225)

Where 225 is the spacegroup number.


Alright, we are now well-versed in the art of creating singular structures. But in some cases, you really don't just want one unit cell; you want a supercell. Pymatgen provides a very simple interface to create superstructures. Let's start with the simplest structure that we can imagine: Polonium, a simple cubic metal.

polonium = Structure(Lattice.cubic(3.4), ["Po"], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

Full Formula (Po1)
Reduced Formula: Po
abc   :   3.400000   3.400000   3.400000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (1)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Po      0    0    0

To make a supercell, we can just multiply the structure by a tuple!

supercell = polonium * (2, 2, 2)
Full Formula (Po8)
Reduced Formula: Po
abc   :   6.800000   6.800000   6.800000
angles:  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
Sites (8)
  #  SP      a    b    c
---  ----  ---  ---  ---
  0  Po    0    0    0
  1  Po    0    0    0.5
  2  Po    0    0.5  0
  3  Po    0    0.5  0.5
  4  Po    0.5  0    0
  5  Po    0.5  0    0.5
  6  Po    0.5  0.5  0
  7  Po    0.5  0.5  0.5

Exercise: Barium Titanate

Load BaTiO3 from the CIF file provided (BaTiO3.cif). Replace the barium with a new element with atomic number equal to the the day of the month you were born (e.g. 1st = hydrogen, 31st = gallium). Then, make a supercell of N unit cells in one cartesian direction of your choice where N is the integer of your birth month (e.g. January = 1, December = 12).

('R3m', 160)
Full Formula (Mg4 Ti4 O12)
Reduced Formula: MgTiO3
abc   :   4.077159   4.077159  16.308637
angles:  89.699022  89.699022  89.699022
Sites (20)
  #  SP           a         b         c
---  ----  --------  --------  --------
  0  Mg    0.497155  0.497155  0.124289
  1  Mg    0.497155  0.497155  0.374289
  2  Mg    0.497155  0.497155  0.624289
  3  Mg    0.497155  0.497155  0.874289
  4  Ti    0.982209  0.982209  0.245552
  5  Ti    0.982209  0.982209  0.495552
  6  Ti    0.982209  0.982209  0.745552
  7  Ti    0.982209  0.982209  0.995552
  8  O     0.524065  0.012736  0.003184
  9  O     0.524065  0.012736  0.253184
 10  O     0.524065  0.012736  0.503184
 11  O     0.524065  0.012736  0.753184
 12  O     0.012736  0.012736  0.131016
 13  O     0.012736  0.012736  0.381016
 14  O     0.012736  0.012736  0.631016
 15  O     0.012736  0.012736  0.881016
 16  O     0.012736  0.524065  0.003184
 17  O     0.012736  0.524065  0.253184
 18  O     0.012736  0.524065  0.503184
 19  O     0.012736  0.524065  0.753184
('R3m', 160)



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